Therapy in Nature

Counselling and psychotherapy in camden and archway

walk and talk therapy in Central and North London's Green SPACES

Self care and the Sit Spot
A sit spot is a place in nature where you can sit comfortably and pause to notice your surroundings. It’s a space where you can find some moments to yourself, to relax and to tune in to your sensations. Giving your attention to the natural world can give your mind a rest, soothe anxiety and […]
Out of the City: nature therapy walks for self-care
Clients often tell me they chose walk and talk counselling because, living in London, they miss many aspects of nature found in the countryside. Some of these we can find in London's many green spaces: we're surrounded by flowers, trees, lakes and birdsong in our outdoor therapy sessions. Sometimes, however, we yearn for wilder walks […]
Three Good Things in Nature
Living in the centre of the city, I find myself looking for glimpses of wildlife in streets and buildings as I walk. There are parks, nature reserves, and gardens all over London, but when I’m wandering through crowded shopping areas or travelling on busy roads, what lifts my heart is a glimpse of a dandelion […]
Walking with the Seasons: Autumn
How do you find the autumn months, as September sunshine turns into October rain and November you miss the heat of summer, welcome the cooler days, look for the fiery colours on the trees, look forward to winter festivities... or dread the darker days? The changing of the seasons can affect us in many […]

© Rowan St Clair

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