Therapy in Nature

Counselling and psychotherapy in camden and archway

walk and talk therapy in Central and North London's Green SPACES

Self care and the Sit Spot

A sit spot is a place in nature where you can sit comfortably and pause to notice your surroundings. It’s a space where you can find some moments to yourself, to relax and to tune in to your sensations. Giving your attention to the natural world can give your mind a rest, soothe anxiety and help restore your focus. 

If you have a spot you can visit daily, weekly, or whenever you get a chance, you’ll notice the changing environment as the weather and the seasons pass. You can tune into your own, inner environment also with this simple mindfulness exercise.

Make sure you’re sitting comfortably. What can you see around you? What shapes, what colours? What sounds can you hear? What scents can you smell? What can you touch where you’re sitting?

You might be interrupted by passers-by, or by passing thoughts. Each time this happens, simply notice it happening and draw your attention back to your senses and your surroundings. 

I’ve been sitting by this lake on the heath, noticing the passing clouds reflected in the passing ripples. I've been watching the light playing on the surface of the water, hearing parakeets in the trees, breathing in the scent of cut grass from the slopes nearby, and feeling the cool bark of the willow log I’ve chosen as my sit spot.


© Rowan St Clair

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